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One of the major tasks of the committee always has been keeping up with our graduates. We’ve really been trying, but we’ve been unable to find out anything about these fellow alumni.
If you have any information that might help us, please get in touch with the webmaster through the Contact page (see top menu).
27 | Barnard, Virginia Barnard |
27 | Broderick, Mary Broderick |
27 | Clark, Helen Clark |
27 | Downey, Hazel Downey |
27 | Goodnow, Mary Goodnow |
27 | Smith, Theodore |
27 | Turner, Helen Turner |
28 | Dyer, Helen Dyer |
28 | LaPointe, Ruth LaPointe |
28 | O’Hara, John |
28 | Pierce, Dorothy Pierce |
28 | Smith, Marie Smith |
29 | Bouley, Albert |
29 | Irish, Elsie Irish |
29 | Murphy, Walter |
29 | Peltier, Grace Peltier |
29 | Pomeroy, Sally Pomeroy |
29 | Quinn, Mabel Quinn |
29 | Thurston, Edith Thurston |
29 | Zaiken, Paul |
30 | Cosby, Beryl Cosby |
30 | Pinneo, John |
30 | Smith, Alfred |
30 | Tirrell, Marjorie Tirrell |
31 | Galliher, Mary Galliher |
31 | Gledhill, Patricia Gledhill |
31 | Godfrey, Muriel Godfrey |
31 | Harrington, Delores |
31 | Haskins, Helen Haskins |
31 | Herrick, Alice Herrick |
31 | Hosburgh, Marjorie |
31 | Irish, Olive Irish |
31 | Kirby, William |
31 | Lee, Irene Lee |
31 | McDonald, Francis |
31 | Rider, Ruth Rider |
31 | Shea, Ann Shea |
31 | Stetson, Ruth Stetson |
31 | Taft, Eunice Taft |
31 | Turner, Charles |
31 | Vincent, Roxella Vincent |
31 | Wells, John |
31 | Williams, Arthur |
32 | Bourdon, Dorothy O’Hara |
32 | Buckley, Martha Clark |
32 | Daly, James |
32 | Gardner, Gerald |
32 | LaMontagne, Jerome |
32 | McNight, Ethel LaPointe |
32 | Newell, Mary Briggs |
32 | Plankey, Francis |
32 | Popp, Edward |
32 | Waldheim, Marjorie O’Brien |
32 | Wood, Melvin |
33 | Carroll, Frances Smith |
33 | Cooper, Philip |
33 | Drake, Leon |
33 | Forward, Mildred Hosburgh |
33 | Irish, Preston |
33 | Johnson, Helen Howe |
33 | Luz, Dorothy Signor |
33 | Peltier, Frank |
33 | Quinn, Dorothy Quinn |
34 | Bartlett, George |
34 | LaForest, Joseph |
34 | Parks, Charles |
34 | Raftis, Mary Louise Raftis |
35 | Canadry, Florence Portman |
35 | Fenton, Isabel Tucker |
35 | Halls, Ruth Halls |
35 | Simpson, Frances Barnes |
37 | Dougherty, Betty Collins |
37 | Lillpopp, Frederick |
38 | Cahalan, Mary Mason |
39 | Coffey, Margaret Booth |
39 | Elderton, Geraldine Webster |
39 | Klein, Donald |
39 | Pliss, Rose Frazier |
40 | Aldrich, Evelyn Brace |
40 | Foley, Margaret McNeil |
40 | LaPalme, Bernice Lawrence |
40 | Master, John |
40 | McMaster, John |
40 | Viens, Julia Baronawski |
40 | Walsh, Robert |
41 | Boraski, Esther Emerson |
41 | Brooks, Mary Brooks |
41 | Fields, Frances Contenta |
41 | Newhouse, Barbara Downs |
42 | Pisiewski, Florence Knappe |
42 | Eberhard, Eileen Loehr |
42 | Gaudette, Ruth Walton |
42 | O’Brien, Priscilla Lane |
42 | Rhinehart, Theresa Reynolds |
43 | Callahan, Francis |
43 | LaValley, Henry |
43 | Burbank, Richard |
43 | Caesar, Marion Caesar |
43 | Petrillo, Eugene |
44 | Dorsey, Rita Croughwell |
44 | Fahey, Sheila Fahey |
44 | Gardief, Violet Robbins |
44 | Hopkinson, Keith |
44 | Shadlock, Louise Kerr |
44 | Sharpe, Robert |
45 | Abderhalden, Jean Dwyer |
45 | Durley, Louise Andersen |
45 | Franke, Jeane New |
45 | Laux, David |
45 | LeBlanc, Joseph |
45 | Parker, Samuel |
45 | Slater, Donald |
46 | Adams, George |
46 | Cary, James |
46 | Cotter, Shirley Paulson |
46 | DeGiorgis, Ernest |
46 | Estes, Windom |
46 | Hoffman, Elizabeth |
46 | Kittle, Robert |
46 | Ochampaugh, Rachel |
46 | Ott, June Ott |
46 | Paulson, Shirley |
46 | Provost, Jeannine Provost |
46 | Radwich, Charlotte Radwich |
46 | Romano, Yolanda |
46 | Sasso, Anthony |
46 | Till, Dorothy Till |
47 | Berthelson, Virginia Durkee |
48 | Callahan, William |
48 | Charland, Joan White |
48 | Logan, Trenton |
48 | Loring, Gordon |
49 | Andrews, Jacqueline Bilodeau |
49 | Ducharme, Kenneth |
49 | Stewart, Lawrence |
50 | Scott, Margaret Burke |
50 | Gero, Durward |
50 | Kirchner, James |
50 | Laux, Dean |
50 | Stewart, Lauraine |
50 | Turner, Allan |
51 | Brown, Betty |
51 | Crippa, Jacquelyn Walker |
51 | Hasse, Dayle |
51 | Michael, Carol |
51 | Polly, Donald |
51 | Quillard, Patricia Lampro |
52 | Mason, David |
52 | Clemens, Joan Fahey |
52 | Harris, Norma Tirrell |
52 | McElwais, Susan Stedler |
52 | McNally, Susan Stewart |
52 | Myers, Margaret Mychyn |
53 | Ingraham, MaryLou Lyman |
53 | McCasland, Marie |
53 | Ramer, Barbara Slye |
53 | Rand, Lorraine Ducharme |
53 | Sweet, John |
53 | Tisdel, Ronald |
53 | Tretheway, Marilyn Prowse |
54 | Brandt, Paul |
54 | Beattie, Robert |
54 | Carr, Robert |
54 | Farrell, Janice DuVernois |
54 | Nevers, Michael |
54 | Phelps, Lois Williams |
54 | Ryan, Judith Dolphin |
54 | Wall, Patricia Wilder |
54 | Williams, Albertine Klupfel |
54 | Williams, Terrance |
55 | Morse, Nancy |
55 | Murray, Robert |
55 | Smith, Jean Lyman |
55 | Standish, Robert |
55 | Stiles, Judy |
55 | Suitor, Robert |
55 | Wright, Patricia Briggs |
56 | Blake, Carol-Ann Sears |
56 | Bradley, Charles |
56 | Budrow, Joan Barry |
56 | Cudworth, Arlene Simmons |
56 | Drouin, Gail White |
56 | Mayo, William |
56 | McSheffrey, Gail Mattis |
56 | Speiss, Roger |
56 | White, Donald |
56 | Woodcome, Andrew |
57 | Bryan, William |
57 | Fraley, Robert |
57 | Goodrich, Madeline Klupfel |
57 | Lampron, Marilyn Webb |
57 | Smith, Richard |
58 | Bartlett, Barbara |
58 | Bergquam, Joan Eichorn |
58 | Callahan, David |
58 | Guidi, Carolyn Perron |
58 | LaChance, Ruth Frambach |
58 | Squires, Phyllis Stottle |
59 | Akin, Barbara Mellen |
59 | Balardini, Nancy Palmer |
59 | Drosehn, Carole Young |
59 | Drosehn, Sheridan Drosehn |
59 | Neidermaier, Marianna |
59 | Richards, Ethan |
59 | Taylor, Sally Pratt |
59 | Tirrell, Pamela Tirrell |
59 | Tobey, Maxine Engwer |
59 | Williams, Roger |
60 | Beals, Robert |
60 | Berry, Charles |
60 | Cowell, Lynn |
60 | Digweed, Nellie Parker |
60 | Engwer, Nancy |
60 | Ferris, Linda Meiers |
60 | Fitzpatrick, Carol Laramee |
60 | Homer, Linda |
60 | Kelson, Carlisle |
60 | Nichols, Clifford |
60 | Sanders, Bonnie Kleaka |
60 | Vreeland, Carol Knickerbocker |
60 | Watkins, George |
60 | Zaleski, Stanley |
61 | Bianchi, Priscilla Tatro |
61 | Bradley, Robert |
61 | Clark, James |
61 | Hart, Nancy |
61 | Hersey, Ann |
61 | Higgins, Suzanne Liley |
61 | Hillriegel, Paula Libby |
61 | Rossman, Ann |
61 | Yakey, Janet Digweed |
62 | Boyle, Marilyn Nason |
62 | Litchfield, Nancy Litchfield |
63 | Cady, Margaret |
63 | Dunn, Nancy Parker |
63 | Esty, Cheryl Krams |
63 | Fantasia, Joyce Beverstock |
63 | Grady, Linda Carroll |
63 | Grandshaw, Roberta Galok |
63 | Marshall, Elise Murray |
63 | Pelkey, Theresa |
63 | Winwright, Pamela Moschella |
64 | Adams, Russell |
64 | Bouchard, Lois Kearns |
64 | Cady, Burton |
64 | Daly, Martin |
64 | Ebert, Lynn Burnett |
64 | Marks, Katherine Duclos |
64 | Micheli, Anne Jenks |
64 | North, Linda Ellis |
64 | Racine, Audrey Dionne |
64 | Sanders, Judith Moulthrop |
64 | Sheridan, Diana Jacques |
64 | Smith, Robert |